This is How We’re All Connected

We all know that we are connected to our loved ones.

Many of us can tell stranger-than-fiction stories about incidents in our lives when we have ‘known’ something and we cannot explain quite how we do know it.

Perhaps our experience of these connections becomes conscious when we are also conscious of how we feel about another person?

But conscious or otherwise.

Known or ignored.

For better or worse.

We are all connected to everyone else on the planet – even when we don’t know them or love them or think about them.

This is just a material fact.

It doesn’t need to be taken on faith alone because this is how it works…


Thanks to Michaela at The Living Room for finding that wonderful clip –

The entire programme from which this clip is taken is well worth watching – here is the link to Part I, in case you are interested (the other parts are also on YouTube)



  1. We are all connected and that is why sometimes when I visit a number of blogs, they have unwittingly written on the same topic… without prior knowledge. 😉

  2. Bless you for providing this link. I just want to say that the introductory photo of the leaves and the light viewed through the curlicues of those gate doors in that window (?) is so absolutely perfect for this post. It reminds us that we all look at the world and other people through our own odd-shaped perspectives! That does not alter that fact of our connecitons, of course.

  3. Bless you for providing this link. I just want to say that the introductory photo of the leaves and the light viewed through the curlicues of those gate doors in that window (?) is so absolutely perfect for this post. It reminds us that we all look at the world and other people through our own odd-shaped perspectives! That does not alter that fact of our connecitons, of course.

  4. Beautiful find and and excellent way of showing how we are all of us connected and how each of us affects everything else.. Such as our thoughts which are energy go out an manifest our reality we constantly interact and exchange energy positive and negative …But we move it with our consciousness and one thought affects another in a ripple effect..
    Great Post.. xx ~Sue

  5. Beautiful find and and excellent way of showing how we are all of us connected and how each of us affects everything else.. Such as our thoughts which are energy go out an manifest our reality we constantly interact and exchange energy positive and negative …But we move it with our consciousness and one thought affects another in a ripple effect..
    Great Post.. xx ~Sue

  6. We are all connected via the Universal internet . . . and when we are “in the flow of the eternal now” the Universe directs our attention where it is needed.

    Thanks, Patricia.

  7. We are all connected via the Universal internet . . . and when we are “in the flow of the eternal now” the Universe directs our attention where it is needed.

    Thanks, Patricia.

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