Love And Protection

Given all the controversy in recent times about social action via social media, here is a very interesting initiative.

It seems like a great idea to me –


Especially as this is the response –


Here is an interesting newspaper article about this phenomenon –

And many thanks to Talesfromthelou for posting this in the first place –



  1. I TOTALLY support social media used like this–I try to use it this way myself. Hooray! I am reblogging this wonderfully uplifting lesson in connecting across faith systems and ethniticites and politics.

  2. I TOTALLY support social media used like this–I try to use it this way myself. Hooray! I am reblogging this wonderfully uplifting lesson in connecting across faith systems and ethniticites and politics.

  3. Reblogged this on granbee and commented:
    Please watch to be inspired by these connections of love and support across religious, political and ethnic lines that previously separated. How can YOU use social media in these ways?

  4. Reblogged this on granbee and commented:
    Please watch to be inspired by these connections of love and support across religious, political and ethnic lines that previously separated. How can YOU use social media in these ways?

  5. I came via this through Granbee’s reblog, and its a great find… the ordinary person on the street doesnt want conflict and wars.. we want Peace and Harmony… We must remember though that to change the world and its way of thinking… We need to change our own thinking.. We need to see that it is what we think, and create which goes out into the world.. So I hope that we can all see that if we change our own world of thinking and be more loving and less judgemental and fear less. We then create a more peaceful and harmonious world..
    Love and Blessings.. ~Sue xx

  6. I came via this through Granbee’s reblog, and its a great find… the ordinary person on the street doesnt want conflict and wars.. we want Peace and Harmony… We must remember though that to change the world and its way of thinking… We need to change our own thinking.. We need to see that it is what we think, and create which goes out into the world.. So I hope that we can all see that if we change our own world of thinking and be more loving and less judgemental and fear less. We then create a more peaceful and harmonious world..
    Love and Blessings.. ~Sue xx

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