Art for Art’s Sake?

Are children the only people who can really partake in art for art’s sake?  Is it important to do this?  Is it a waste of time?

Many of you will have seen these videos already –  but I hadn’t so just in case I thought I’d post them.  I also thought it might be worth asking ourselves exactly what this boy is doing in the first video?  And why? And if there is a link between his work and the work of the artists in the second video?

Just wondering what you might think…

As it says above – Art for Art’s Sake…




  1. I agree. It is so interesting to watch little children draw and paint with no inhibitions….. it is only when they begin to be ‘taught’ what is art that they have to begin fighting to hold on to creativity. Art is essential in this life.

    1. This is a good point – we start out thinking ‘art’ is just a natural part of life until – maybe – someone tells us there is a mysterious standard somewhere we should meet or we must give it up.

  2. I really love this post, Trisha! I think Caine is an amazing child and I was so happy for him as I watched this video. I wish more children used their imaginations for play. The dad tickled me a lot, too. The second video didn’t move me quite as much, although I loved it, too. The first one left something lasting in me. Thanks!!

    1. Well Caine and his Dad are very appealing, Beth – both so sweet and lovely. The other video is much edgier but then again so is the situation. Interesting contrast though.

  3. I LOVED Caine’s arcade (I used to have my students make games for our class – they always came up with the most creatve ways to learn the most boring stuff). Most of my kids were English learners and the way they expressed themselves through art always blew me away. It was almost like they were desperately trying to communicate; to let me know they understood, but didn’t have the words to explain how they felt.

    1. It is very cool indeed and he is a very interesting little boy. Art is a universal language – like maths but easier (!!!) – and really does help us to communicate even when we speak the same language it can be hard to express ourselves. As Plato said – the inadequacy of words to express the nature of reality.

  4. I am imagining this boy memorizing his own face and smile in the mirror to then paint it. Maybe he will grow up to be a wonderful graffiti artist painting amazing faces telling stories in public spaces, such as these two men are doing. Man has ALWAYS needed to make art for the benefit of his very soul–the cave drawings, etc.? During my 18 months of training to graduate from the Listening Hearts Method of Discernment, we spent many an hour or two in drawing and painting meditations. Art, like poetry, music, and dance, allows soul to communicate directly to soul. Perhaps both the boy and the men are getting better acquainted with their own souls through the art work, do you think? If we do not truly know ourselves, how can we know others, understand others, help others?

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