A Speck of Dust in the Eye of An Ant

Even though looking our definite and impending death in the face gives us perspective it’s not the only thing.

At least for me.

Sometimes for me the enormity of the fact that I am composed of atoms that have existed (literally) for eons and will continue to exist long after I have finished with them puts me firmly in my significant/insignificant place.

As does the absolute beauty, majesty and enormity of the world around us – particularly the parts we can’t easily see and yet they’re there all the time…

[vimeo http://www.vimeo.com/40234826 w=500&h=281]


  1. Yes if we were to be examed through a telescope we would see those particles moving around with what apears to be empty space around them.. This Space is within all things.. This Space is what is between the stars holding them in orbit.. This Space is Energy.. we are all made of the same things as stars are made from.. ALL Connected… ALL living and inanimate Matter is all of it vibrating.. None of us are solid in form..
    When we understand this.. we see how when we leave this form of our Earthly self.. We transform, back to that which we came…

    Loved your post today my friend.. ~Sue x

  2. You must be one of those touchy feelly people–lol!! Excellent, I believe what you are talking about is the experience of the sublime, and through this perhaps,the rapture of the experience of being alive–some beautiful thoughts and a wonder state to be in.

  3. You ponder the big stuff! I like the acknowledgement of both our significance as well as insignificance in the big picture of the universe and time. I think it would be better for us all if we held onto that thought most of the time! Lots to think about! Debra

  4. You ponder the big stuff! I like the acknowledgement of both our significance as well as insignificance in the big picture of the universe and time. I think it would be better for us all if we held onto that thought most of the time! Lots to think about! Debra

  5. What must End, What must Begin

    War must end. Competition must end. Waste must end.
    Peace must begin. Cooperation must begin. Bounty must begin.
    Individual exploration must begin. Colonization of space must begin.
    Capitalism must end. Poverty must end. Greed must end.
    Selflessness must begin. Equality must begin. Compassion must begin.
    Being rich must end. Being poor must end. Premature death must end.
    Clean free energy must begin. Naturalism must begin.
    Life must begin, again.

    John Pontious 8/21/2011

  6. What must End, What must Begin

    War must end. Competition must end. Waste must end.
    Peace must begin. Cooperation must begin. Bounty must begin.
    Individual exploration must begin. Colonization of space must begin.
    Capitalism must end. Poverty must end. Greed must end.
    Selflessness must begin. Equality must begin. Compassion must begin.
    Being rich must end. Being poor must end. Premature death must end.
    Clean free energy must begin. Naturalism must begin.
    Life must begin, again.

    John Pontious 8/21/2011

  7. Wonderful pointer to our proper place in the universe–yet each of us is essential to the overall plan, you know!

  8. Wonderful pointer to our proper place in the universe–yet each of us is essential to the overall plan, you know!

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