How To Be Great
[vimeo w=640&h=460] Video from KarmaTube 00
How can we live together?
[vimeo w=640&h=460] Video from KarmaTube 00
I’ve talked about this before (ages ago) but it strikes me as worth talking about again as it…
A revolution is an idea which has found its bayonets. Napoleon Bonaparte Are mobile phones the ‘bayonets’ of…
This is an interesting campaign. It is a specific fundraising campaign in the struggle to raise money to…
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An event horizon is the point of no return near a black hole in space where the gravitational…
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It’d be nice to think life is always easy. Nice but unrealistic. However, that doesn’t mean you have…
This is a most amazing story written by my friend, Ann O’Sullivan. Ann is a psychotherapist whose has…
We can never eliminate tragedy – even in a perfect world tragedy will exist. Evil, on the other…