Tag: Education
What Will You Do To Belong?
It’s easy to say that FGC/FGM is a barbaric practice that is common in far away places. It’s…
What Do You Want To Be When You Grow Up?
If there is one thing that convinces me that we are all, basically, the same, it’s listening to…
So? Anybody Interested in Changing the World?
The people who don’t believe the world can be changed will say there’s no way it can be…

Do You Feel The Love?
The first step in changing our world is an examination of what actually constitutes reality. We are all products…
The Big Picture
It’s all about perspective. Perspective isn’t just something for art class – it’s essential for understanding. It’s indispensabile in…

Tell Me About It…
We have no control over many of the things that happen to us in our lives but if…
How to Be Happy
One of the problems that naturally occurs when a light is shone on pain and suffering is that…
Believing is Seeing
I’ve been thinking. Why is it that on the one hand we are so terrified of change we’ll…