Knowledge, Volition and Action
Changing the world is hard (imagine that) but the formula for changing anything is the same…
How can we live together?
Changing the world is hard (imagine that) but the formula for changing anything is the same…
We all know what happened in Rwanda in 1994. Some say 500,000 people were massacred in 100 days.…
(N.B. – this is a repost so if you were reading creatingreciprocity in May 2011 you may have…
Some revolutions are more obvious than others. Some involve violence and harassment. Other involve justice and real, everyday…
It’s easy to say that FGC/FGM is a barbaric practice that is common in far away places. It’s…
There’s a lot of controversy nowadays about the usefulness of trying to use social media to raise awareness…
Women are controlled (If you were any good you’d be thin) Are mistrusted – (FGM) Are to be…
The first step in changing our world is an examination of what actually constitutes reality. We are all products…
Roméo Dallaire – Canadian Senator and ex-Commander of the United Nations Forces in Rwanda during the genocide in…
[youtube] * Cornel West 00